Posts Tagged ‘lady’

Between the Sheets – Naughty Church Humor

Posted: March 22, 2023 in Naughty Humor, Naughty Humor, The Man Who is a Christian
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Sometimes, no matter how spiritual you are… you can get bored during the hymns or sermon.

Years ago a friend shared this naughty little trick with me to liven things up…at least for you.

Whatever song is being sung at the moment… just say the title of the song in your head… and add “between the sheets”.

Amazing Grace… between the sheets.

How Great thou Are… between the sheets.

Love Lifted Me…. between the sheets.

And one of my favs… The King is Coming… between the sheets!

And if it’s already passed into the Sermon portion of the service… well those hymnals are just right in front of you… hundreds of amazing inspired songs just waiting for… between the sheets.

Just if you get busted… you didn’t hear anything so irreverent from Lover of Passion here on WordPress.

Therefore, (according to the facts presented in my last post) —Homosexuals can NEVER participate in The Act of Marriage and thus can never consummate the physical act of Marriage.

Homosexuality is a sexual act but it can never be The Act of Sex (also called the Act of Marriage).

I’ve steered clear of most discussions about homosexuality. It’s widely discussed in a wide plethora of avenues and outlets. The Bible is clear in both Old and New Testaments about homosexuality being a sin.

The Bible isn’t as clear about other topics such as masturbation or nudity, or even polygamy, but it’s very clear that homosexuality is always considered a sin.

22 â€œ ‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

23 “ ‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

24 “ ‘Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.

—–Leviticus 18:22-24

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.
32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

—–Romans 1:18-32

I included the longer passage from Romans because I believe the entire passage describes not only God’s feelings towards homosexuality but also His heartbreak and subsequent anger in turning over a people (like the nations of the West), who no longer like to retain the knowledge of God anymore —-over to this hard hearted prideful worldview that we see and witness unfolding before us each and every day.

Most all the once Christian nations have kicked Jesus out of our schools, our governments, our homes and our hearts… and we are receiving the just “fruit” of what we have sown… As Billy Graham once quoted “We have sown the wind and we will reap the whirlwind”.

With the Bible being clear about the subject of homosexuality, I found it interesting several years ago while thinking about the topic of the last blog post. When I was first learning about what the Bible does and does not say about sex and nudity and passion and pleasure, I learned where the “line” is.

Most young people who are Christians, want to know just where the actual line between sin and passion lies! Can we make out with our girlfriend? Is copping a feel a sin? What about stuff like blow jobs, going down on your girlfriend, or even anal sex. We find this incredible beautiful world of sex, romance and passion and we want desperately to know where the line actually is.

Some of us, like myself, read I Kissed Dating Goodbye ” by the now infidel Joshua Harris. I spent five years trying to “court” instead of date. I don’t regret those years of focusing on Jesus and going to the best Bible School ever, The Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in 2000-2002. However after leaving Bible School and desiring to get married… I was really lost with how to practice courtship , when neither of my parents really “got” the premise. After five years of trying to practice courtship, I reverted back to dating.

At the same time I was just coming to the conclusions written here on this blog. I wish I could say that I retained the same purify dating as I had done practicing courtship. I didn’t know where the lines were and in my ignorance, I crossed several lines into sin.

The simple version of where the lines are with being physical in dating, is that anything that involves the contact of your penis or your vagina is a sexual act. I know that leaves groping bums and boobs, but I can’t assert that touching those non-sexual areas to be sinful. I believe there’s a pretty clear line that our masculine and feminine sex organs are definitely the actual “no fly zones”.

If you’re man handling your boyfriend’s cock or balls ladies, that an area God reserved to be touched by his actual wife alone. And the same goes for the reverse gentlemen. That’s our sexual body parts and touching those sexual body parts is strictly forbidden, except for spouses. Any touching or intentionally manipulating of the penis or vagina constitutes “a sexual act”. Any sexual act falls under the wide umbrella of acts considered to be fornication in Scripture.

All sexual sins can be summed up in two to three categories.

Let’s start with the two categories from the Old Testament: sinful sexual acts and sinfully commiting the Act of Sex.

All physical sexual acts would always include: bestiality, homosexuality, incest, rape, as well as ALL sexual acts that are committed with someone that you are not married to. Touching someone’s penis or vagina with ANY part of your own body, orally sucking, licking or manipulation of someone else’s penis or vagina, and anal sex – any of these acts or any others that I failed to mention that are committed with anyone that you are not Biblically married to would constitute a “sexual act”.

The second kind of sexual sin listed in the Old Testament is committing the Act of Sex (also called the Act of Marriage) with anyone other than your husband or wife is called adultery.

So in the Old Testament we are told to refrain from all sexual acts AND the Act of Marriage with anyone with whom we are not married to.

In the New Testament, Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount, to not even imagine committing ANY sexual act OR the Act of Marriage with anyone with whom we are not married to. Jesus took the physical restrictions and told us not only to refrain from doing them in the flesh but also in our own minds. This is called sexual lust, when we imagine doing a sexual act or the Act of Marriage with anyone who isn’t our betrothed before Almighty God. The Old Testament clean/unclean laws were done away with in the New Testament, but in one of the only ways that Jesus “upped” the moral laws; He forbids us from even imagining doing these sexual sins.

So although you could list many sexual sins, they all fall neatly into three basic categories: Sexual Acts, Committing the Act of Marriage out of Wedlock, and The Act of Lusting (committing those physical sexual sins in our thoughts).

Going back to our title; because homosexuality is a sexual act and can NEVER be The Act of Marriage (interchangeablely called the Act of Sex), NO homosexuals can EVER consummate a marriage as it’s meant to be consummated. The Act of Marriage requires a penis AND a vagina. It’s simple biology (though people today seem offended by the most simple and basic human biology today).

This isn’t to say that homosexual’s “vows” at the mock weddings of today are valid either. Marriage is an institution created by God Himself and He sets the moral rules as well as the physical rules of matrimony. Satan can only pervert what God creates. Satan can NEVER create some new and good. He can only twist and pervert what IS.

Foolish people can call homosexual “marriage” valid and true, but in the realm of Authority, the highest Authority gets to make the rules. God is Always the Ultimate Authority and His Revealed Word, The Holy Bible, is His Final and Unalterable Revelation of His Law and Will. The Bible never once honors the perversion of homosexuality and is not silent on the topic as He is on many other topics. He revealed His Will what defines marriage and what marriage is in this temporal life. These millions of people saying otherwise is utter pride, which oddly enough is the first reason given in the book of Ezekiel as to why God Himself destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.

Ezekiel 16:49-50

So besides going back to telling a little of my story of learning the difference between sexual acts and the Act of Marriage and reiterating what lust is: We can clearly see that even though things are referred to as “gay sex”, all homosexual acts are “sexual acts” and can never be The Act of Sex or Marriage. Besides knowing that homosexuals can never engage in the Act of Marriage, we also logically know why that they can never fulfill the Act of Marriage, which if never performed after an actual wedding, those involved can never consummate the Marriage before God and mankind. Not only are homosexual “wedding” vows unattainable in the sight of a Holy and Loving God, but the second requirement for a marriage to be consummated in a Holy physical act in the sight of God can NEVER be consummated. The Act of Marriage always requires a penis AND a vagina.

The “champions” of perversion and gross immorality and pride can call a pig in a wedding dress a bride or groom until Jesus returns for His Bride, The Church, BUT calling a homosexual “marriage” real or legitimate in any way will NEVER make it real or legitimate in even the tiniest detail. Like calling men, “she” or “her” will never change biology or the Truth, though everyone on the planet agrees or disagrees. God’s Word is the Truth and it’s precious, unalterable and Holy.

Do you struggle with lust? One of the reasons that I started this site was to explore the difference between watching nudity and sex… without imagining ourselves performing sexual acts with anyone who isn’t our spouse.

I did really well for about 12 years, but as my marriage disintegrated…i found myself imagining myself having sexual encounters with my therapist at the time, because I could sense she liked me as a Man… while it turned out that my wife loathed me in her heart for loving Jesus more than her (or anyone… kinda the heart of being a true Christian)

Rachel from Wow Girls

I slowly got things back to holiness and have struggled off and on over the last 12 years… even though it really does help knowing where the ‘line’ is and what lust actually is.

Do you struggle with lust often, or can you truly savor and enjoy sexuality and pornography and nudity without lusting after the women…or men if you are a woman?


I had found a site years ago…it must have been Tumblr. I never had a Tumblr account, but I seem to remember them closing the site. Does anyone know of a good safe place to find GIF’s?

Taste the Rainbow

Would you have sex with your spouse in the presence of another married couple also engaging in sex?

This question was poised to me recently…

“How do you feel about married couples watching each other have sex? No swapping or swinging. More like live porn. Do you feel like that goes against God’s design?”

Honestly, I think the idea is great. I think it may be much more odd actually doing it in real life rather than fantasying about doing it however. This could be more subjective. Someone may be comfortable doing this, and maybe when I was younger and felt a little more confident…idk…but I think I’d feel super self-conscious now in my 40’s…just from a basis of actually thinking about doing this with another couple (leaving aside the more Biblical side for just a moment), how would you feel about actually doing this dear readers?

On a purely fantastical version of this, it seems wildly thrilling. I wonder if most, if not all, have thought about this at some time. As a married man however, the thought of seeing a friend eying my naked wife, would be a no go for me. I’m not super jealous, but I am protective. I’d feel a knee jerk reaction to protect the most important part of my world. I would be hypocritical however, because of course I would enjoy seeing my hypothetical friend’s wife’s naked body.

I think for me, even before I turn to whether it would be right or wrong from a Biblical worldview, I would have to allocate this to pure fantasy as it seems filled with too many emotional landmines. Much like the article that I wrote about voyeurism/exhibitionism a while back.

How about you?

Now going back to the question about whether I feel that this would be against God’s design…I would have to say that there is no Biblical prohibition against this act (unless I’m missing something). This blog is based on the premise that you can enjoy watching nudity and heterosexual couples enjoying sex and masturbating with no Biblical prohibitions against these things. The Bible does clearly condemn lust, which is imagining committing a sexual act with someone whom you are not married. However, although the Bible doesn’t go into extreme details about every nook and cranny of our sexual desires, it does advise us repeatedly to use wisdom in our lives.

On that note, I would have to label this act in the same basic category as one of my last posts on nudism, as “not sin, but not wise”.

If you were worked up sexually and in such close proximity to another couple also sexually revved…I think sin would be but a hairbreadth away.

If our desire is to please God, I do believe we need to do our best to keep a few “steps” distance between ourselves and the actual sin…especially since sexual sin is very seductive (and even more so when we are aroused). Sorta like it might not be wrong to give someone a million dollars of your money in cash to deliver to the bank for you… You’re literally giving another human being who is just as fallen as yourself (as we all have a sinful nature), and giving them a huge temptation. Even if the person is extremely honest…Wow…it seems foolish to trust anyone with such a precious thing to you. In this case, it would be closer to each person giving a million dollars in cash to each other person in the group and asking each of them to deliver that valuable amount of money to the bank for you the next day, and they you.

Having a sexual encounter with four worked up people, all with built in fallen natures…and hoping things don’t go very wrong…seems much too much like playing Russian Roulette with your relationship with God, your spouse, your marriage, possibly your families future…that’s a lot riding on whether or not you all end up riding each other or each other’s spouses…

Sepia Beach

Do you remember when life was full of longing? Honestly, most days I find some way to numb myself up, endless t.v., losing myself in hobbies like writing, gardening, or learning something new (at the moment my wife and I are taking Hebrew at a local synagogue, I’ve always wanted to learn Hebrew so I could read the Bible in some of the original language). Like most of us, I numb myself by eating too. The pain of life can be difficult to bear. Who hasn’t endured loss? and the longer you live the more losses you accumulate. But sometimes amid all the loss and pain and numbness, something breaks through… longing.

When I was a child, I dreamed that one day I’d be madly in love and live happily ever after! The thought of my mom dying seemed like it would be millions of years away and the thought of losing all my family would have seemed ludicrous. I try to keep my dreams alive, but it is difficult finding that longing that permeated my youth. After all I’m married now, and as wonderful as marriage can be, it can be very difficult as well, and we all come to realize that marriage isn’t the fix-all that we were hoping for. But the moments when longings, and romance break through and enchant my heart once again, it takes me by surprise! I have this hope, kind of like the movie “Pan’s Labyrinth, that even though the world I live in is dark dark indeed, that someone strong and kind is pursuing me. I have this longing that the passion of my youth is reality and this darkness that life is right now, is really just the length of a bad dream. When I wake up, I’ll behold that which I’ve always longed for and hoped for.

Sepia undressing

I still remember my first time. I think the image is branded into  your memory. I’m talking about in person btw, not just in a magazine. I had decided with much excitement and trepidation that I was going to go to our local strip club. I remember being so intimidated heading into the building with the blacked out windows. My excitement was of the highest order. There are certain times in life that are just intoxicating. It could be your first kiss, the first time you saw someone naked, the first time you had sex, or the first time you held hands even. There are just certain moments in time when there is this heady intoxication with life and beauty and mystery and sensuality with the opposite sex. These moments break up the ho hum ordinariness of life with something beyond words.

I still remember the rush of going into the building and finding a place to sit. A girl was on stage but she was in lingerie. I don’t remember her, but while I was sitting there taking in the unique atmosphere, another of the girls was walking around totally topless and wearing nothing but panties and those stage shoes. She passed right in front of me and I felt that I could sense every inch of her breasts as they hung beautifully and mesmerizing beside me. Everything about me was lost in the moment of exhilaration and wonder. Her butt, her legs, her breasts, her hair and all her femininity screamed out to my masculine heart. Beauty beyond words captured the whole attention of my being. Then as quickly as she walked right in front of me talking to someone, just as quickly she disappeared back into a room.

Even though I enjoyed the whole display of women that night, that first nude woman that was only inches from me is still burned into my soul…

black and white sunlit nude

I just wanted to say sorry to everyone who has commented in the last few months. I have not answered or replied back yet. I’ve had to cut my relationship with my dad. He’s been an abuser since I can remember. My mom died a few years ago and I tried hard for the last three years to still have some relationship to my remaining parent. But it was tearing me apart, still constantly getting berated continually and verbally assaulted without mercy. Then he started berating my wife and finally decided to smash my car wind shield in, with me inside of it. I know many people have a “you only got one dad” policy which works in some less volatile situations, but I finally realized that I don’t deserve to be treated like a dog. So that’s why I haven’t been faithful to this site. Honestly, I’ve been battling depression as a result of all this, and normally that isn’t something that assails me. Please pray for me, I covet your prayers. It was the hardest decision of my life. Everyone wants a dad who loves them and will be proud of them and show them what it really means to be a good Christian man. My heart is shattered and I’m asking my real Father in Heaven to pick up the pieces.

Sex screams the existence of Jesus

Sex screams the existence of Jesus

I wrote a blog similar to this one before, but it still resonates strong within me. I really enjoy reading books on Christian apologetics. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, apologetics is material written or spoken in defense of the Gospel. It is an offensive stance that proudly proclaims the truth of the Bible. Years ago when Christianity was first spreading across the known world, many lies or rumors started circulating about Christians. One of the many things said was that Christians sacrificed their children to God. Obviously, this was completely untrue. There were many others things said against us Christians, even that we were atheists because we didn’t have an idol that we worshiped. So they accused us of being atheists, which was a big no-no in the Roman Empire. So God raised up many wonderful people who stood up and told the truth about Christians and defended our faith against the hate-filled lies and propaganda. Men like Justin Martyr and Augustine stood up and defended the faith with the truth. Apologetics also deals with the general defense of the gospel. Men like Ken Ham and C.S. Lewis show that the Gospel is the most reasonable and logical and true way to live and love. I’ve been devouring the Answers Books compiled by Ken Ham recently, which show through reason, logic and actual science (not fantasy and stupid assumptions) that the Bible is true from cover to cover.
This blog of course is devoted to the Bible and sexuality. I don’t believe that things that are not prohibited in the Bible should be abstained from in the present. Why make up a bunch of rules that God didn’t speak?
Sexuality is very fascinating for many reasons. Lately, I’ve noticed that all human sexuality is screaming in defense of the Bible. We are told some science fiction called evolution (molecules to man) is the reason that we exist. The best lies are those mixed with some facts. Evolution is no different. It takes a few facts such as natural selection and then throws in completely unprovable and just plain stupid assumptions about the origin of man. There are many ways to disprove this lie, in Answers in Genesis ministries and Creation Research we have scores of actual science and logic that shows that only a foolish man would believe in evolution.
But the logic and passion of sex is another screaming in your face reminder that Jesus is, was and always will be. After America turned our backs on our creator in the sixties (outlawed prayer and Bible reading and study in the school system). The free love movement took place. People were encouraged to have sex with whomsoever other person that wanted to have sex with them. Free love. They even gave it a catchy title because we all desperately long for love. This philosophy was inevitable in a culture that denies God. When we threw God out of schools and public places a rush of barbaric practices rushed in to take the place of true love and morality. Free love was one of these barbaric practices. Yet, about fifty years after the supposed “sexual revolution”, people still need something to stand on that separates us from beasts. Even the most sexually deviant common citizens among us have a few “rules” that they live by. Of course there always have been and always will be “monsters” who lay aside every vestige of morality and prey and rape anything they can get their hands on, including children. But the overwhelming majority of people still have to try to create their own morality in the absence of God’s Word that once filled our schools. This is yet simply another logical and reasonable proof of a divinely created world that was framed by the word of God. People who sleep around may have rules such as never to take advantage of an unconscious person or drunken person. People who practice homosexuality, even have certain standards for sexuality. They break one of the most fundamental laws of human sexuality but still they must have some sort of standard that makes them feel moral and just. Most try to be loyal to one person. It’s like the phrase “honor among thieves”. People need some sense of order even when they live outside the perfect order that God shows us in His Word, the Bible. This overwhelming need for order and a form of moral code clearly screams the presence of Jesus. They don’t want to live by God’s Word so they invent their own morality so they can feel justified and somewhat moral. I’ve seen people who rabidly promote homosexuality, but then have a problem with someone doing something that isn’t wrong, like enjoying good pornography or nudity. Why? because they need some semblance to order, because they are created in the image of the God of order and not chaos. The Egyptians had many whacked up beliefs but they did believe the battle in the world was chaos verses order. God’s Word is order because He created us and the world we live in. When we don’t live by God’s Word we must have some sense of order or we feel unsafe and vulnerable. If evolution were true we would all be having sex with each other without the slightest sense of guilt or shame. We would have sex whenever we wanted with whomsoever we wanted and not feel anything tugging at our hearts. If evolution is true, why would any sexual act be wrong? Incest, rape, orgies, homosexual acts, having sex with animals, sex slaves (or slavery in general), prostitution, having sex with a dead body, and so on, should all be perfectly acceptable if evolution is true. But you see something completely different in the world. Even those who practice sexual sins try to create a morality that justifies the sin they are committing but says others actions are bad. Why do they do that? Because God created a beautiful and passionate world, but also an orderly and logical one as well. And the order and logical part of His world give us a safe and perfect place to enjoy the passions He has gloriously given to us. Sex like all other facets of creation scream that there is a God and His name is Jesus.



Men how do you feel when your girlfriend or wife is checking out some other guy? None of us are perfect, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. So all of us have ample opportunities to feel insecure or scared when our girl is looking at other men’s bodies. My wife and I have our own unique relationship, as do we all. She wasn’t crazy about the idea of me watching porn, masturbating or going to strip clubs. I was honest and up front with her but once we got close to getting married, she got scared of my attraction to other women. Even though I’m a Christian and didn’t lust when I checked out other women, it still scared her. We went through a few years of oddness and still have a bit of uneasiness in our marriage in this area. In our discussions, I’ve wanted her to know how important she is to me, but also I’ve not wanted to give up something that I love only because she is insecure, if that makes sense. A few years back when we talked about strip clubs, I asked her to at least be fair and attend a club where she could see naked men. Then I could see how I felt and we could talk about where to go from there. But that has been probably four or more years ago and still she hasn’t really tried to go to a male strip club (though sadly for women who enjoy looking at naked men, there aren’t many heterosexual geared male strip clubs around). To me after I settled the matter of nudity, masturbation, and pornography on the moral issues, then I started wondering about those issues as they pertained to relationships. Obviously, there are things in relationships, where we don’t desire our spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend engaging in certain behaviors with the opposite sex. Of course due to the nature of this blog, all activities named as sin in the Bible are off limits. But what about things that aren’t sinful but still we consider “no-no’s” in our relationship. Most of us don’t want our spouse locking lips with someone else. Most of us don’t want our spouses holding hands or blowing kisses with someone of the opposite sex… or of any sex for that matter 😉 . So the question of this blog post is geared more toward that effect. Men who enjoy looking at and enjoying the beauties of women, do you find it offensive or scary when your wife or girlfriend is admiring the physique of another man?